Products - Specialty products - Woodguard
Having specialized in security and folding closures for more than two decades, Dagendor offers its customers yet another high-quality product: the Woodguard.
Combining vast experience in engineering and patented systems, we have created the most aesthetic, secure and durable wood partition in the industry.
Specifically engineered for your distinctive applications, the Woodguard is ideal for offices, hospitals, reception halls, convention centers, churches, schools, funeral homes, day care centers, hotels, restaurants, banks, etc…
The Woodguard’s characteristics make it unique and unequalled. It is aesthetic, secure, durable, versatile, maintenance-free and affordable.
Custom-made, our Woodguard offers a choice of panel widths, curves, hard melamine finish, sound reduction and a high-quality interchangeable commercial locking system.
With our patented continuous aluminium hinges that will not split or cut, it is the most secure and durable partition. Secure and aesthetic, a winning combination!